In the fall of 2005, Gary Walker, owner of Austin Visual FX studio TexFX, set out to assemble a small community of like-minded colleagues from the local film community to train together for the 2006 Austin Marathon. Having already run three marathons, Gary decided to boost the experience by running for a personal cause.
The decision to benefit the Children’s Services at SAFE came from Mr. Walker’s wish to honor the lives of his sisters, Eve Nixon and Amy Young, and his step-sister, Brooks Bracewell. Eve was only 23 when she and her husband, Lewis, parented a rescue foster home for children removed from their home due to life-threatening abuse and neglect, at times caring for 5 children, in addition to their own two. The stories of these young children were heartbreaking. Tragically, on a family outing in 1983, Eve drowned, and the home dispersed soon after. Amy was a life-long advocate for children and lost her life in 2008. Brooks was only 12 when she was a victim of rape and murder by a serial child predator in 1974. Her tragic story is now part of the A&E series, “The Eleven”.
That first year of training, thirteen amazing men and women began the journey, raising $8,897.48.
Austin, the team, and SAFE have seen incredible changes since then and we’re now in our 19th season, having presented 375 race medals for both the full and the half marathon runners and walkers and raised a total of over $751,000. Over these years, Gary has also lost his father and mother, but the team, his community of faith and hope keep him and the team going strong.
The seed of this movement has been the ability to recognize the possibility within each one of us to come together as a community to rise into our true potential. Without labels or judgment and with eternal hope for the future, we can, together, take down the walls that keep us from recognizing our infinite value and build the bridges that lead to healing for ourselves and each other.
Team FX continues with its growth in training and fundraising with their Fall/Winter training for the Austin Marathon, Half Marathon and 5K, Spring training for the CAP10K, and Summer training for a fun Team FX 10K. We are always finding ways to reach out to the greater community to lead individuals, local businesses, and non-profits into their potential. To find out more about private coaching, additional corporate participation or have Gary speak to your group, CLICK HERE. Thank you for your interest!