MYTH: “I can’t train for a marathon or half marathon. I’m not in shape.”
MYTH BUSTER: Training for a marathon or half marathon with TEAM FX will get you into shape safely … one step at a time.
Our uniquely affordable*, personalized, couch-to-race training programs begin with walking a mile. From there, we teach injury-free training in a non-competitive, non-judgmental environment, stay present with our personal goals, celebrate our weekly progress, and support each other along the way. Are you up for the challenge? Come join us!
Anyone at least 18 years of age by race day (or 16 if joining with a legal guardian) who is in reasonably good physical health and cares about their community can qualify to train with us to achieve a FULL MARATHON or HALF MARATHON or 10K or 5K.
We are a diverse group with various backgrounds, so some will train faster than others, but this program is designed to accommodate the very beginner as well as the seasoned runner. We start slowly to build and improve basic fitness and then gradually ramp up endurance and agility over several months, enough to be ready to make it across the finish line. We are not hard core sprinters or professional athletes. We just want to create a positive experience together and make it across the line injury-free. To date, 100% of our team members who made it to the start line have made it to the finish line!
Our community involvement and networking make it a truly meaningful experience for everyone. We are all about training safely, reaching high, making a difference and having fun! Click HERE to see what our team members have to say.
*Unlike most other local training programs, the cost of your Team FX training is subsidized by the support of our local business partners (listed at the bottom of the page) to create awareness and positive change in our community! Click HERE to check out the flexibility and the long list of amenities we offer at such a low price!
THE CAP10K: Started in 1978, the “Capitol 10,000” is the largest 10K in Texas and the 6th largest in the nation, attracting around 23,000 participants of all types. The 10k course loops through the central and west downtown area that originates and finishes on Congress Avenue, complete with a costume contest and live bands along the course. It’s a fun event for the whole family in the beautiful Central Texas springtime! ! Click HERE to learn more about the CAP10K experience!
OUR SUMMER 10K: Looking for a way to stay active and connected during the summer? Early, pleasant sunrise trainings build you up to walk or run a fun Team FX 10K at the end of July. Be a part of this smaller but fun, adventurous group that keeps the fitness and social benefits going year-round!
THE AUSTIN MARATHON, HALF MARATHON & 5K: Started in 1992, the Austin Marathon & Half Marathon attracts around 20,000 runners to Austin from across the world, from Olympic-qualifying elite athletes to first-time novices. The course is a 26.2-mile loop around the city that originates and finishes on Congress Avenue in downtown Austin, complete with fireworks and live bands along the course. We love our hometown marathon and half marathon! Click HERE to learn more about the Austin Marathon experience!
“The Austin Marathon is glad to have the Team FX training group involved for another year. They continually use their group as a platform to increase community involvement and fundraise for a vital Austin nonprofit, both values the Austin Marathon embodies.” — William Dyson, Communications Manager, High Five Events