Cool! Thanks for getting us all the information we need to get you signed up! Your registration will be complete once we receive payment. We encourage you to pay the best and most convenient way possible for YOU.
Prefer to save the fees and pay with cash or check? CLICK HERE.
For your convenience, we offer PayPal so you can PAY INSTANTLY by hitting one of the two payment buttons below (FULL PAYMENT or PAYMENT PLAN)! Just scroll down to the payment button that reflects your best method.
Remember, there are no refunds, so be sure you’re ready to take the leap with us. Once payment is complete, you will receive acknowledgement by email and a human from Team FX will be in touch with you soon!
Click here for our RATE INFORMATION.
>>> TEAM FX MEMBERSHIP – FULL PAYMENT (one payment, paid in full): SKIP BELOW FOR PAYMENT PLAN. v v v
– OR –
>>> TEAM FX MEMBERSHIP – PAYMENT PLAN (one payment today, billed monthly for remaining payments. Sorry, the Spring Season is so short that a payment plan is not available.):